Concerning The Jews
and Their Lies
Martin Luther - 1543
The Father of Protestantism
"What then shall we Christians do with this damned, rejected race of Jews? Since
they live among us and we know about their lying and blasphemy and cursing, we
can not tolerate them if we do not wish to share in their lies, curses, and
blasphemy. In this way we cannot quench the inextinguishable fire of divine rage
nor convert the Jews. We must prayerfully and reverentially practice a merciful
severity. Perhaps we may save a few from the fire and flames [of hell]. We must
not seek vengeance. They are surely being punished a thousand times more than we
might wish them. Let me give you my honest advice.
First, their synagogues should be set on fire, and whatever does not burn up
should be covered or spread over with dirt so that no one may ever be able to
see a cinder or stone of it. And this ought to be done for the honor of God and
of Christianity in order that God may see that we are Christians, and that we
have not wittingly tolerated or approved of such public lying, cursing, and
blaspheming of His Son and His Christians.
Secondly, their homes should
likewise be broken down and destroyed. For they perpetrate the same things there
that they do in their synagogues. For this reason they ought to be put under one
roof or in a stable, like gypsies, in order that they may realize that they are
not masters in our land, as they boast, but miserable captives, as they complain
of incessantly before God with bitter wailing.
Thirdly, they should be deprived of their prayer-books and Talmuds in which such
idolatry, lies, cursing, and blasphemy are taught.
Fourthly, their rabbis must be forbidden under threat of death to teach any
Fifthly, passport and traveling privileges should be absolutely forbidden to the
Jews. For they have no business in the rural districts since they are not
nobles, nor officials, nor merchants, nor the like. Let them stay at home...If
you princes and nobles do not close the road legally to such exploiters, then
some troop ought to ride against them, for they will learn from this pamphlet
what the Jews are and how to handle them and that they ought not to be
protected. You ought not, you cannot protect them, unless in the eyes of God you
want to share all their abomination...
To sum up, dear princes and nobles who have Jews in your domains, if this advice
of mine does not suit you, then find a better one so that you and we may all be
free of this insufferable devilish burden - the Jews... Let the government deal
with them in this respect, as I have suggested. But whether the government acts
or not, let everyone at least be guided by his own conscience and form for
himself a definition or image of a Jew. When you lay eyes on or think of a Jew
you must say to yourself: Alas, that mouth which I there behold has cursed and
execrated and maligned every Saturday my dear Lord Jesus Christ, who has
redeemed me with his precious blood; in addition, it prayed and pleaded before
God that I, my wife and children, and all Christians might be stabbed to death
and perish miserably. And he himself would gladly do this if he were able, in
order to appropriate our goods... Such a desperate, thoroughly evil, poisonous,
and devilish lot are these Jews, who for these fourteen hundred years have been
and still are our plague, our pestilence, and our misfortune. I have read and
heard many stories about the Jews which agree with this judgment of Christ,
namely, how they have poisoned wells, made assassinations, kidnapped children,
as related before. I have heard that one Jew sent another Jew, and this by means
of a Christian, a pot of blood, together with a barrel of wine, in which when
drunk empty, a dead Jew was found. There are many other similar stories. For
their kidnapping of children they have often been burned at the stake or
banished (as we already heard). I am well aware that they deny all of this.
However, it all coincides with the judgment of Christ which declares that they
are venomous, bitter, vindictive, tricky serpents, assassins, and children of
the devil, who sting and work harm stealthily wherever they cannot do it openly.
For this reason, I would like to see them where there are no Christians. The
Turks and other heathen do not tolerate what we Christians endure from these
venomous serpents and young devils...next to the devil, a Christian has no more
bitter and galling foe than a Jew. There is no other to whom we accord as many
benefactions and from whom we suffer as much as we do from these base children
of the devil, this brood of vipers."
Translated by Martin H. Bertram,
On The Jews and Their Lies, Luther's Works, Volume 47; Philadelphia: Fortress
Press, 1971.
A Response To Questions and
Objections of a Certain Jew
By John Calvin
"Their [the Jews] rotten and unbending stiffneckedness deserves that they be
oppressed unendingly and without measure or end and that they die in their
misery without the pity of anyone."
Excerpts from "Vom Schem
Hamphoras und vom Geschlecht Christi," By Martin Luther and an excerpt from "Ad
Quaelstiones et Objecta Juaei Cuiusdam Responsio," by John Calvin; The Jew in
Christian Theology, Gerhard Falk, McFarland and Company, Inc., Jefferson, NC and
London, 1931
Hezbollah Nazi-style Salute
Heil Allah
Arab Emulation of Nazism Continues
Syrian Social Nationalist Party the SSNP
"Hatred Of Israel Is In Our Genes And Blood": Syrian Actress.
Hamas Human Shields
In 1924 at a Christian gathering in Berlin, Adolf Hitler, a professed
Christian, stood before thousands of Christians, and with a standing ovation
"I believe that today I am acting in accordance with the will of Almighty God.
As I announce the most important work that Christians could undertake and that
is to be against the Jews and get rid of them once and for all. We are doing the
work of the Lord and let's get on with it." Hitler stated, "Martin Luther has
been the greatest encouragement of my life. Luther was a great man. He was a
giant. Within one blow he heralded the coming of the new dawn and the new age.
He saw clearly that the Jews need to be destroyed and we're only beginning to
see that we need to carry this work on." Hitler followed to the letter, Luther's
treatise on how to exterminate the Jews. Martin Luther preached his last sermon
avidly against the Jews and died four days later. Indeed, Nazi leader
at his Nuremberg trial stated, "I have never said anything that Martin Luther
did not say".
Complicity of the Eastern Orthodox Church In The Holocaust
Click to view part 1 of this documentary
Click to view part 2 of this documentary
The Alfred Hitchcock documentary on the Nazi Holocaust
Click to view
Statements of Church Fathers
The Epistle of Barnabus shows the Church exalted at the expense of the
synagogue and the deadly word "Deicide" (the killing of God) appeared in
Christian writings.
Justin Martyr charged that the Jews crucified Christ in the highest pitch of
their wickedness. It was during this time (150 A.D.) that the first encounter
with Replacement Theology was embraced where the church replaced the Jews as
God's chosen people.
Tertullian argued that divine judgment is upon Israel, and Jews are destined
to suffer for the crucifixion.
New ideas opposing "law" sprang up as early as 160-320 A.D. Marcion, 2nd
century, adopted Matthew 5:17 as key theme to ending God's law and taught that
the grace of God superseded it, rejecting the Old Testament.
Several Church Councils from 341 A.D. to 626 A.D. prohibited Christians from
celebrating the Sabbath, festivals, and even eating with the Jews. It seemed
that the greatest concern with Judaism on the part of Christians leaders was the
attraction that it held for Christians. . . . These rules do not come out of bad
relations between Jews and Christians (what would now be called, erroneously,
antisemitism), but rather were enacted because relations were good and the
authorities wanted to separate the two peoples. God has always had a remnant who
has followed the Torah.
John Chrysostom, 344-407 A.D., preached: "The Jews ... are worse than wild
beasts ... lower than the vilest animals. Debauchery and drunkenness had brought
them to the level of the lusty goat and the pig. They know only ... to satisfy
their stomachs, to get drunk, to kill and beat each other up ... I hate the Jews
... I hate the Synagogue ... it is the duty of all Christians to hate the Jews.
Late 15th-century antisemitic painting from
Frankfurt-Main, accusing Jews of ritual murder and bestiality, and associating
with the devil.
New Generation of Jew Haters, Taught From Birth
“We will have peace with the Arabs
when they love their children more than they hate us”
Golda Meir
Islamic Television Programming for Their Children
Building Palestinian Murderers From Childhood
Gaza summer camp for children, 2008. The camp is aimed at indoctrinating their children to hate
Israel and the United States, to learn methods of warfare, and to take pride in Hamas, the Palestinian militant
group that controls the Gaza Strip. These children are being taught to become a menace to civilization in the name of Allah.
Islamic Romper Room: Gaza summer camps teach kids to fire rockets
Palestinian Monsters
Modern-day Mein Kampf antisemites whose religion and politics drive them to murder Jewish babies
and butcher sleeping families have taken another horrific toll in Israel.
May G-d comfort the Fogel Family, along with the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.Link
Palestinian Model: Hitler's Jungvolk

Another Palestinian Atrocity
Palestinian butchers savagely murdered three Jewish boys in Israel
coming home from school. No more peace negotiations and no more conciliations with black-hearted Muslims. Cast them out. Link

Eyal Yifrah ז״ל, Gilad Sha'ar ז״ל, and Naftali Frenkel ז״ל
Islamo-Nazi Fascism, Then and Now
In 1943, Amin Al Husseini heads the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslims. It was
Hitler's largest SS Division and was responsible for the genocide of Serbians,
Gypsies and Jews. It lies at the root of today's unrest in
Mein Kampf, written by Adolf Hitler, is a best-seller in the
Arab world.
It is distributed by the Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority. Yasser Arafat
became the disciple of Amin Al Husseini at the age of 17. Arafat's legacy of
Jew-murder and a drive to start a second Holocaust is expanding through
calculated indocrination of Muslim minds.
Preparations for Holocaust II
By Jerry Kashtan, March 2, 2008
Antisemitism never died, only hibernated briefly after the Holocaust. Jew
hatred is growing stronger than ever. Today's practitioners exploit modern
technology, channel authentic Islam, and blend classic European Jew
hatred. The virus has spread to all parts of the world through the Internet and
satellite TV and is embraced by the latest crop of dictators hellbent on
becoming the next biggest baddass in the 'hood.
Present day antisemitic organizing is no less than Hitler's method:
destroy the perception of the Jew and now include Israel. Continually paint Jewish
people as sub-human, morally impure, dirty apartheid racists, worthy of
cleansing through extemist measures. Continually blame Israel for all of the world's failings.
Then support Iran and their allies to be
the proxy to do the dirty work with a nuclear arsenal. It is no secret, and
the evidence is made public by Islamic leaders for the world to take note.
Islamists verbalize and publish their anihilistic plans. The Europeans fund
Islamist nations who are racing to build nuclear weapons and it is largely the Europeans who lead the
Goebbels-inspired media machines. The EU and UN intentionally keep a civilian Arab
population in permanent refugee status, perpetuating and enlarging the
conflict against Israel. International human rights organizations, complicit in
Palestinian child abuse do nothing about institutional Jew hatred taught in Arab
Nor do these groups campaign against terrorism training camps which
enroll children and teach them murder, suicide, and religious death themes.
Outrage against children suicide bombers gets lost in their self-righteous positions of
moral equivalency.
The Recipe: Russians provide nuclear fuel
and muscle. Chinese and North Koreans sell missle technology. The Pakistani's
provide thermonuclear bomb making know-how. The UN provides diplomatic
obfuscation, bureaucratic delay, committee bias, and support for non-governmental
organizations which are virulently antisemitic. Western powers cower from
threats of Islamic belligerance in their home countries. Orwellian
funded by influential leftists and ultra-liberals trample our
collective common sense and long-held western values. The attrocities of WWII and the
near extinction of civilization during the Cold War is ancient history to the current generation.
Humanity's primal fear of a brief nuclear exchange in another
part of the World, particularly over Israel, is diminishing.
Lastly to salt this recipe, western democracies
continue their gigantic consumption of oil from Islamic and other belligerent
regimes pumping trillions of dollars into foreign war chests.
Today Jews are 0.2% of
the world's population; 0.1% in Israel, 0.1% in the Diaspora.
Jews are an endangered
species on this planet
Are we paying attention this time?
The Growing Menace:
The Islamic Mein Kampf
Antisemitism in England:
The War on Britain's Jews
Cyber Antisemitism:
Online Antisemitism 2.0. "Social Antisemitism" on the
"Social Web"
EU Institutional Antisemitism:
Funding hate organizations: "Europe's Hidden Hand"
"If a day comes when the world of Islam is duly equipped
with the arms Israel has in possession,
the strategy of colonialism would face a stalemate because application of an atomic bomb would not
leave any thing in Israel but the same thing would just produce damages in the Muslim world"
Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Iran, December 2001
Palestinian Nazi's